H5P is a free, open-source content creator that allows you to easily create, share, and reuse interactive HTML5 content and applications. H5P activities can be created and embedded directly in Moodle or WordPress, making it easy to add rich, interactive learning content to your courses.



BigBlueButton is a virtual classroom software for synchronous discussions or lectures between students and instructors. Emphasis is placed on real-time communication. Sessions can easily be recorded and made available; however, uploading may take several hours or even days depending on the size of the recording. If you are looking for a screen/webcam recording and video platform that integrates into Moodle, refer to our Kaltura guide.



Kaltura is a media platform used for creating, storing, editing, and sharing primarily asynchronous multimedia content. You can think of it like YouTube – you can upload or record a new video and choose which course you would like to publish it in.